Rumbos por la VidaPara ti..Muchacha Bonita...Quiero CreerMujer:TU ERES MI POESIAAmigos...POETA del SILENCIO (2)Adiós a Cesar Tulio Arrieta MercadoPasión- PoesíaDesde Bogotá..Para que vuelvas...Let us dare to live againPoems of Love and Pain


Keeper of my poem
born along NewYear's
first beat of joy,
I travel newer paths
filled still with yesterdays.

Calmly marching with my past
aboard my ship of dreams,
departed ones travel silently,
soundless wings carrying
fond of walking memories,
the lighter load of all.

For they, God of Heavens,
guardian of my secrets.
what they were, are the path
tracing my tomorrows;
their lives long gone,
grant renewed faith and joy.

For all I am to them I owe.
their hugs and kisses last,
their sadness has expired,
my heart for them to live again.

Copyright ©2005


Where are you, Love, today?
Where in burst or sighs upon the wind
your pointed arrow seeking love
in earnest fly traverse the sky,
voluptuous dream of younger days?

Heed my call ¡Oh Love!
to the feast of flowers,
subtle, shrewd, winged elf,
of ardor reason,
to the blessing wedding
of my rapt in heaven.

Voi che sapete, che cosa e amor?
inquire the Cherubino in me;
You, the sweetest thing of all things sweet,
scoffers mean define:

"state of perceptual anesthesia"
"light we all see and know not
what to do with it"

Where are you, Love, today?
ll I know of so much join and pain is Thou!
All I know is of Thou always with me!

Copyright ©2005 Joseph Berolo


I have crossed the deepest ocean
and yet, remain in body and soul
planted in the shores of evermore.
¡Behold! I owe my life a prayer
of strength, for this is the season
of returns, journeys new to dare--
the search begins for jewels lost
in winds of never said farewells.
Not lost but far in solid grounds,
the stronger ties of blood declared
joining flesh and bones and land,
my son awakes to earned dawns
of vibrant joy and Pride and Love.

October 16, 2005

From the Colombian Andes to the Shores of New York

THE WAR IS OVER! (George W. Bush)

To my daughter -USN SeaBees- NMBC7- Once at the Gates of Hell. on Easter Day, of all days.

Where are you, my daughter,
on Palm's day of Joy?
Where in a burst or sigh of dry
desert winds,
does your valiant youth inhabit,
seeking remnants of millennial forces
clashing with ghosts of sand
in endless darkest nights?

I entreat you, my daughter--
busy bee of all my present fears
to be my guest
at the feast of flowers,
Glory of Easter,
blessed supper of victorious deeds.

My heart awaits, on edge of pain untold--
feeling near the light shine
upon the tragic night
--your long return to life.

The little corner of my quiet rejoice I miss...
for it is my war
to fight on equal terms,
side by side,
to tame the Beast
and come home with you...¡ Alive !

Joseph Berolo
Collection of Verses--Colombo-American Poets



the blues,
my soul in trance,
absent from your shores,
my ship
of hopes succumbs,
my dreams in depths
of missed days
of joys perceived,
detained by ghosts
of doom,
my love a windy path
across the rain
of this, my coldest day.! Today
I learned
of you, my sweet,
sweet Elaine
waving Good Bye
to all we were!

©2005 Joseph Berolo
Collection of Poetry in English

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absconded not the gilded sun /when at dawn in lazy path barely appearing,/ the morning filled with sorrow, / knew the dream is gone in darkness./ Cannot be! to have loved so much the bridal nubile feel, a light so brief,/ turned a wreaked charm.

So big a passion, the wind, the rain, the blue beyond. /Oh! the abyss of age, / the ringing of the bells in faulty towers of unearthed harvest, / the dawns of boiling veins,/ the whispers of gosthly diaries, / the taste of roses dead in broken vases,/ the anguish of the Calvary, the longest hour of the climb.

Cannot be! abandoned breathing candles/ in the darkest clouds of the myth, delirium, painful sores... the dark.

Copyright ©2005 Joseph Berolo