Poetas del mes IIHIROSHIMA AMOR MIO / HIROSHIMAS MON AMOURRubén Darío Segura PáezEmundo Torrejón TejadoMary GuzmánLuz Mery Guzmán LampreaAmanda PatarcaCarmen del Rosario Gómez CascoCecilia de la Cruz Gómez Casco


Abuelgasim Gour Hamid Mohammed


Dear Prof, Abuelgasim Gour Hamid Mohammed, Welcome to Peace for our time and the time of our children and the children of their children through the cultivation of Fine Arts in the gardens of their mind and their hearts. The world of Poetry turned into conductive facts of Peace and universal Harmony.

Founder of Institute of Studies and Culture of Peace ISCP culture, in Sudan University for Science and Technology Works Academic Advisor in Africa Program of United Nations University for Peace UPEACE  to the North Africa and Arab .Holder of PhD in Philosophy 2000 (Khartoum University ), M.A in Art - Philosophy 1997.BA in Criticism from Sudan University of Science and Technological and L.L.B from Al-Neleen University faculty of Law. He took advanced studies on Peace ,Justice and Human Rights Since 2013 Commissioner and member of Commission on Human Rights - Sudan


Abuelgassim Gour,PhD
Professor of Philosophy , Criticism and Culture of Peace
Member , National Human Rights Commission
Sudan +249 (0)123600467
Addis +251116180991-82




Estimado Prof,. Abuelgasim Gour Hamid Mohammed
Bienvenido  a la Paz para nuestro tiempo
y el tiempo de nuestros hijos y los hijos de sus hijos
a través del cultivo de las Bellas Artes en los jardines de su mente y sus corazones .
El mundo de la Poesía convertido en hechos conductores de Paz y Armonia universal.

Fundador del Instituto de Estudios y Cultura de la Paz Cultura ISCP, en la Universidad de Ciencia y Tecnología de Sudán www.sustech.edu. Asesor Académico de Trabajos en África , Programa de la Universidad de las Naciones Unidas para la Paz UPEACE www.africa-upeace.org para el Norte de África y Árabe. Doctor en Filosofía 2000 (Universidad de Karthoum ), MA en Arte - Filosofía 1997.BA en Crítica de la Universidad de Ciencia y Tecnología de Sudán y LLB de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Al-Neleen. Realizó estudios avanzados sobre Paz, Justicia y Derechos Humanos en el programa UPEACE África www.africa-upeace.org, espíritu de negociaciones en CRI www.cri.cc. Desde 2013 Prof. Gour es Comisionado y miembro de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos - Sudán



Naciones  Unidas de las Letras

Abuelgasim Gour Hamid Mohammed
Center for Peace and Human Rights   

In recognition to  his   humanitarian  and intellectual talent and dedication to promote peace around the world in  a joint effort to:


PROMOTE, MAINTAIN AND DEFEND conditions of PEACE and universal HARMONY through the Word turned into deeds.
RESPECT any difference of creed, race, nationality, social, cultural and political status that is in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
 CELEBRATE cultural agreements that allow the application of these principles.

 SUPPORT cultural centers whose objectives correspond to the purposes of UNILETRAS.
 CULTIVATE altruistic relationships with cultural, literary and artistic entities of the world.
 ACT as  promoters of the application of ideas  of Peace  and related projects.
 WORK in the development of educational projects that lead to the training of new generations of Poets and Writers.
 PARTICIPATE in national and international literary cultural events.
 PROPITIATE AND FACILITATE the edition, publication and distribution of literary works that enhance the intellectual life of their authors.
 COLLECT, DISSEMINATE AND PRESERVE the intellectual work of the members of UNILETRAS and of any other writer who wishes to allow it.
 EMPLOY all existing means of communication to publicize the objectives, projects and achievements of UNILETRAS.
 WORK out loud and do so with visible and effective representation before any cultural local, national and international body
capable of responding to the Fundamental Principles of UNILETRAS
Signed and issued this day Auguist 5th 2020 in Bogotá Colombia  


Joseph Berolo                                     Araceli ALonso            Teresita Valcheff            Cecilia Lamprea de Guzman    Martha Sonia Herrera
President       President adjunto    Collegiate Presidentr     Collegiate President   Secretary General 

Argentina  Bolivia  Brasil  Canadá  Colombia  Cuba  Chile  Ecuador El Salvador España  Estados Unidos De Norte América   Francia   Filipinas  Honduras  Holanda  India  Israel Italia  Japón  México  Nicaragua Perú  Puerto Rico  República de Armenia Rumania  Rusia   Senegal Sudán  Uruguay Venezuela   

We the species, like woods that are floating on the surface of the ocean, we may meet each other's, or may not meet forever. But when we met, we feel for each other, because we are nfloating stones, we are floating humankind.  I feel n touched   by the contemporary crisis of the mankind. I feel  like some taken by the dream, fears and bitterness. Witty and philosophica Abuelgasim Gou Humanities Proffesor Karhtoum University, advisor to the Africa programe of UPEACE in Addis Ababa www.africa-UPEACE.org
Thank you for your email and jenoursity .I have no any hesitation to come as visiting professor to yNaciones Unidas Do Las Letras It could be one of the great opportunity for me to reflect your work to the Africa Programe of the United Nations University for Peace UPEACE. I'm from Sudan living in Khartoum.  teaches criticism ,peace culture and human rights in  Sudan University for Science and Technology www.sustech.edu,  also work as an academic advisor to the Africa programe of UPEACE in Addis Ababa www.africa-UPEACE.org . 
Dear Prof, May life and God allow me to really serve you and your students in Sudan. What a great privilege it will be to have you aboard our organization as a Profesor member of Seeds of Youth XXI promoter of Peace among the youth through the teaching of the Fine Arts, with members around the world, as you may see in the said web page, it has space for the work of talented students of poetry, and other arts, I anticipate the honor of your acceptance as a member of Naciones Unidas de las Letras. Welcome along with your students, Cordially Yours, 

Nosotros, las especies, como los troncos que flotan en la superficie del océano, podemos encontrarnos o no encontrarnos nunca, Pero cuando nos encontramos, sentimos afinidad los unos por los otros, porque no somos piedras flotantes, somos humanidad flotante)

Estimado Joseph, No dudo en  participar como profesor visitante de Naciones Unidas Do Las Letras. Podría ser una gran oportunidad para  reflejar su trabajo en el Programa de África de la Universidad de las Naciones Unidas para la Paz. . Soy de Sudán y vivo en Karthoum .   Enseño   crítica, cultura de paz y derechos humanos en la Universidad de Ciencia y Tecnología de Sudán www.sustech.edu, también trabajo como asesor académico del programa de África de UPEACE en Addis Abeba.  www.africa-UPEACE.org.
Estimado Profesor:
Que la vida y Dios nos permitan realmente servirle a usted y a sus estudiantes en Sudán. Qué gran privilegio es contar con su presencia a bordo de nuestra organización como profesor visitante, promotor de la paz entre los jóvenes a través de la enseñanza de las Bellas Artes, con miembros de todo el mund. Usted tendrá espacio para difundir su obra literaria y la de sus talentosos estudiantes de poesía y otras artes. Anticipo el honor de su aceptación como miembro de Naciones Unidas de las Letras. Bienvenido junto con sus alumnos. Josephn Berolo 

Sigue Biografía Completa/Complete Biography

: Abuelgasim Gour Hamid Mohammed1961
Married with two boys and one gi



PhD of Philosophy in (Philosophy), University of Khartoum,2000 MA Master of Arts in (Philosophy), University of Khartoum1997 BA in Criticism, Faculty of Music and Drama, SUST 1987 BA of Law ,Al-Nerlain University
Training courses on:
a) 2001 on the crisis prevention and conflict management CPCM , arranged by DED ,German ,Intercontinental Hotel , Nairobi Kenya
b) 2003 Peace Education training workshop , arranged by United Nations University for Peace , in collaboration with Peace Advisory of republic palace, Shariga Hall , University of Khartoum
c) 2004 , training workshop arranged by IGAD collaboratively with the United Nations ,Kenya ,Nairobi Windsor Hotel
d) 2006 ,Training Course in Peace and Conflict Studies , Insitute of Peace and Conflict studies , Tanzania , Dar elslam , Sun set Hotel

e) 2006, Intensive Training Course on Human Rights Peace and Justice HPJ, arranged by the United Nations University UPEACE, Africa Program , Addis Abba ,AU Building.
f) 2013 training workshop on human rights Center of Human Rights Nottingham University ,Khartoum ,Rotana Salam Hotel
g) 2014, Training course in Disaster Risk Management DRM , Banadir University in collaboration with Tunnel University of USA , Somalia
, Mogadishu
h) 2014 training Course on the role of National Human Rights Institutes in Human Rights protections, Jordon National Center of Human Rights in collaboration with UNDP, Jordon
i) 2014 Training Workshop on National and International mechanism of Human Rights , arranged by National Human Rights Commission in collaboration with UNDP and UNAMID
Professional Experiences :
Newspapers and journalism:
1982 -2016 Journal Columnist, political analyst, cultural and Theatrical critic. My topics include human rights, peace culture cultural issues, and theater criticism. I have worked collaboratively with following newspapers
a) 1984-1989 , Alwan Newspaper ,(Drama Echo ) a daily column in theatre criticism
b) 2000-2001 Alsahafa Newspaper , ( Bedaiat Garn) cultural and theatrical Colum
c) 2007-2010 Alsudani Newspaper ( Bedaiat Garn) cultural and theatrical Colum
d) 2014-2015 Algrar Newspaper (Mantig Altair), Political , cultural and theatrical Colum

e) 2016-til now Alyoum Altali Newspaper (Mantig Altair ) political, and cultural Colum
Training on Peace Culture and conflict resolution
a) 2002-2006I worked as Sudanese focal person to Institute of Conflict Resolution CRI of USA ( Now Lincoln Institute ),Tacoma
,within Sudan American Program S-AP .
b) 2002-2006 ,I worked as Consultant to UNDP - Sudan for Peace Culture and conflict transformation program.
c) 2006-Till now professional trainer at the Institute of peace and conflict studies -Dar elsalm Tanzania
d) 2012-till now Project Advisor and focal person for Africa program of United Nations mandated University for Peace UPEACE
e) 2014 -till now Disaster risk and conflict management trainer East Africa network of Community resilience and DRM
Civil Society:
a) 1998 I established Sudan Center for theatre Research ,Culture and Development
b) 2004-2009 Technical Advisor for Ingato Organization for Peace and Development
c) 2005-2007 Technical Consultant for Zamzam organization for peace
d) 2002-2006 I established Almiram Peace Association ,and worked as technical Advisor
e) 2005 established Political Parties Network for Peace Culture
f) 2009-2016 Technical Advisor for ALARM organization in Sudan, Kenya ,Rwanda and USA
Teaching E:

I teach the following subjects to the students of Peace and MA
a) Conflict Theories ,this subject covers all the historical and philosophical development of the conflict theories since the sixteenth century .Micro theories of conflict , macro theories of conflict and structural theories
b) Concept and definition of peace and conflict
c) Conflict analysis
d) Peace, Justice and Human Rights. Students are introduced to the historical and philosophical foundation of the Human rights theories
Graduate Level:
I teach the following Subjects of Criticism and Philosophy
a) 2000-2004 Text Studies and analysis , the students introduced to the element of the play text , and the methodology of analyzing dramatic text
b) 1993- till now , Classical Dramatic theory of Criticism for both second class , third class and forth class. This subject includes followings, philosophical foundation and historical background for Aristotle's theory of the catharsis in 348- 322 BC ,Horace 65-8 BC and Ligneous
c) 1993 till now, Neo - classism in Dramatic criticism Ludovico Castelvetro 1505-1571,John Dryden 1663-1700 , ben Jonson 1572-1673 and others .
d) 1993 till now, Romanticism theory of Dramatic Criticism focusing on Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1782-1834
e) 1993 - till now , Realism in Dramatic Criticism with focusing on Matthew Arnold 1822 -1888 and Thomas Stearns Eliot T.S Eliot (1965 -1888)

f) 1993- till now the theory of post modernism with focusing on the theory of structuralism and deconsterctvism
g) 2007- till now, introduction to the philosophy and esthetics to second class .the subject includes ancient philosophy and introduction to esthetics .classism , romanticism ,realism relative to drama can be explained to the student
Suppervision of Post-graduate:
a) Sudan University of Science and technology
I supervised the followings MA , Center for Studies and Culture of Peace< Sudan University for Science and Technology
1- Amima Eltyeb Ahmmed Omer , MA in Peace and Conflict Studies, Center for Studies and Culture of Peace ,Sudan University for Science and Technology 22/5/2012
2- Hitham Yousif Abuelgasim , MA in Peace and Conflict Studies , Center for Studies and Culture of Peace ,Sudan University for Science and Technology 2014
3- Omer Soliman Adam Wanies , MA In peace and Conflict Studies , Sudan University of Science and Technology 2010
4- Isam Eldeen Adam Hagar , MA In peace and Conflict Studies
,Sudan University for Science and Technology, ( not completed his reaserch ) 6/1/2008
5- Slah Kuku Hassan Hamid ,MA in Peace and Conflict Studies , Sudan University for Science and Technology , (Did Not completed his Research ).26 /2/2009
6- Saiefeldeen Abdelrheem Mohmmed , MA in Peace and Conflict Studies 2012
7- Hessain Ibrahim Adam Ibrahim , MA In Peace aand Conflict Studies , Center for Studies and Culture of Peace , Sudan University for Science and Technology 2011

I Supervised the followings PhD Research:
1- Moaz Abdellah Haj Elameen ,PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies , Center for Studies and Culture of Peace ,Sudan University for Science and Technology 2012
2- Mohmmed Yousif Solimaan Gbani , PhD In Peace and Conflict Studies , Center for Studies and Culture of Peace , Sudan University 2012
3- Omer Soliman Adama Wies , PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies , Sudan University for Science and Technology , 2012
4- Amna Jomaa Khaatier PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies , Center for Studies and Culture of Peace , Sudan University for Science and Technology 2012
5- Gaamal Soliman Abdelrhamn ,PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies
,Center for Studies and Culture of Peace ,Sudan University for Science and Technology ,2015
6- Alfatih Almhadi Alhssan , PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies , Sudaan University for Science aand technology , 2015
7- Mahi Eldeen Mhmoud Hmier , PhD , In Peace and Conflict Studies
,Sudan University for Science and Technology , 2015
8- Nasier Mirgani Abbas , PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies , center for Studies and Culture of Peace ,Sudan University for Science and Technology ( Not Finished )
9- Hessian Gibreel Elgouni ,PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies , Center for Studies and Culture pf Peace , Sudan University for Science and Technology
10- Kamal Eldin Aldndarwi Ibrahim , PhD , In Peace Conflict Studies , Center for Studies and Culture of Peace , Sudan University for Science and Technology , ( Not finished)

College of Music and Drama , Sudan University of Science and Technology
1- Abdelhafeez Mohmmed Ahmed , MA in Drama , College of Music and Drama , Sudan University for Science and Technology , 2006
2- Khamil Alriheama , PhD in Draama , College of Music and Drama , Sudan University for Science and Technology , Not Finished
UN Mandated University for Peace UPEACE Africa program in
Collaboration with Sudan University for Science and Technology
1- Hadelzain Mohmmed Elfatih Salih Elobied , PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies , UPEACE Africa Program, Addis Ababa ,2014
9. Research Projects :
a) Gour, Abuelgasim , Cultural Intervention for Grassroots Peace Building , Abyei 2000 , funded by UNDP , Conflict Transformation Unit
b) Gour , Gamal & Atief ,Teaching Module for basic school Teachers : Developmental Drama / Theatre for Peace Culture funded by DED
, German organization 2002
c) Gour , Abuelgasim , Traditional Methodology for Disarmament ,
Demobilization and integrations TMDDR , funded by UNDP 2004
d) Gour, Abuelgasim , The Impact of Militarization and Politicization of Missryia and Dinka community on Abyie referendum , 2010
e) Abuelgasim Gour& Wheeler , David , Conflict transformation through DDR and livelihood system in Darfour , in collaboration with queen University - Canda , 2006 funded by Canadian Research Institute
f) Gour , Abuelgasim & Biong , Luka ,Proposal " Abyie conflict transformation , towards reconciliation between Danka Ngoak and Mysserya 2016

g) Gour , Abuelgasim & Samuel kale Project proposal " African Dignity at our hands " 2016 funded by Sudan Government

12. Membership:
a) Associate member of International Drama Association Education IDEA 1998 till now
b) 1999 till now Member of Center for Performance Research CPR University of Abersithwith , Welz UK
c) 2006 till now member of Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies IPCS ,Tanznia - Dar elsalm
d) 2014 till now member and Project Advisor African Program
,United nations mandated Peace University -Addis Ababa

h) 2003-till now member of African IndigenousKnowledge System IKS in North West University and Kula Zula University , Suoth Africa
2012-till Now Member of National Human Rights Center ,Head of Monitoring and Controlling Committee
-2016 member of University of Science and Technology Senate
- 2015 Head of The Research Board Center for Studies and Culture of peace
-2015- till member of the Research Board of College of Music and Drama
- 2015 Head of the Scientific board center for Studies and Couture of base
- 2016 member of Early warning Committee in the Republic Palace 13-Extra Curricular Activities:
In the year 2000, I coined the slogan of (THIS WAR IS NOT OURs). The slogan expresses the attitude consensus objector against the prolong North /South war. The slogan highly accepted by the UNESCO , then Sudan University of Science and Technology had chosen by UNESCO as a flagship within ( 2000 year of peace) activity .

In 2009 ,I shave stood against the ICC worrying , and developed a high pan African movement among SCOs and scholar ,this movement has ended up by the creation of Africa Dignity Forum ADF based on UPEACE Africa program, Addis Ababa
14.Publications :
1- Gour, Abuelgasim , Mgazine Bassmat ,1st issue , (2009) , University ofKing Mohmed 11, Morocco , The effect of violence on the transformation of Structure of Western Drama p 74-59
2- Gour,Abuelgasim , Magazine Almogif Alaradbi ,(2007),published by Union of Arab writers ,Damascus,The heritage and the end of the theatre ,p 339-345
3- Gour,Abuelgasim , Magazine Altnweer Almarfi ,issue no 12 (2012),published by the Center of Knowledge Enlighten, The Theory of the Drama from Catharsis to Tolerance ,P 193-197
4- Gour ,Abuelgasim , Magzine Altwthieg Almarafi ,(2013) ,published by Educational Documentary Center Ministery of General Education,The Thought and Stratgic foundation of peace culture P.88-79
5- Gour,Abuelgasim , Kitabat Sudania , published by the center for Sudanese Studies , 2011, Abyie : Introduction to the peace studies ,P. 15-28
6- Gour,Abuelgasim, Kitabat Sudnia , Publishes The Center of Sudanese Studies ( 2008) ,Abyie : the political dimention of the crisis ,P. 13-27
7 - Gour,Abuelgasim , Cultural Diversity , freedom and citizenship (2007) published by Instiute of Peace Research ,University of Khartoum
, Culture of Peace , cultural Diversity and freedom ,P.103-
8- Gour and Omer Krar ,refereed Book , Translation :the Concept and Dfention of Peace and Conflict Studies , 2014 ,Sudan University of Science and Technology
9- Gour, Abuelgasim , The Africa Peace and Conflict Journal APCJ , peer reviewed Journal of the Africa program of the United Nations mandated University for Peace and conflict Journal , Addis Ababa ,( Attached a letter of Acceptance and copy of the Journal ( accepted)

9- Gour Abuelgasim , Book :Abdella Eltyieb in Essays ,2014, Published by Institute of Abdella Altyieb , Khartoum University , Abdella Eltyieb theory's of Art Criticism ( Accepted)
Books :
1- Gour,Abuelgasim , Culture of Peace , Cairo, 3M, 1st edition 2004
2- Gour, Abuelgasim , The effect of the Western philosophy on Theatre,Classism,Romanticism ,Realism, and expressionism , Cairo ,3M ,1st edition 2006
3- Gour, Abuelgasim ,Abyei : The future of the peace and conflict , Khrtoum, Alebtikar library,1st edition 2006
4- Gour ,Abuelgasim Gour , Introduction to the peace and Conflict Studies , Khartoum ,Publisher Alibtikar Library, 1st edition
5- Gour,Abuelgasim , The tetralogy of the objected war , published by Sudan Center for Theatre research SCTR , 1st edition 2014
1- Report : The UN Secretary General preventative for Sexual violence in conflict zoon The fraud allegation of raping 200 Sudanese women in Tabit village North of Drafour 2013
2- Report about : Human Rights Violation ,Abukrshoula case 2013
3- Report :Key Informant Analysis, western section of South Kordfan State 2007
4- Report : Darfourian Internal Consultation Dialogue DIDC 2016
Social Works:
a) 1999 Chosen by the University of Khartoum VC to establish the Institute of Peace Research collaboratively with Past Professor Acolda Manter ,and worked as Institute coordinator till 2000
b) 2000 established the Center for Culture of Peace -SUST
c) 1997 Established the Sudan Center for Theatre Research SCTR as Sudanese base for International Drama Theatre Education/Association IDEA

d) 2014 established the Center for Peace and Human Rights In collaboration with the Republic Palace to work in the area of Human rights protection and enhancement
15-Seminars : Conferences and workshops: 1- Conferences :
j) 1998 participated in the conference of IDEA ,Kisumu , Kenya with a paper in the theme of Drama for peace culture
k) 1999 ,Keynote Speaker , 5th performances , Center for Pearformance Research CPR , Aberystwth University , wales ,UK
l) 2000 , participated and presented paper entitled the Death of the culture in the conference of Against All Odds ,Asmara-Eriterea
m) 2003, participated in the 1st Psychological Conference arranged by The Sudanese Psychological Society , paper Title : Peace Psychology
n) 2015 submitted on Violence among students ,with the National Students fund
o) 2005, 5th International conference International literature for culture of peace IFLAC , Lose Angeles ,Yara Hotel ,USA .
p) 2006, partciapted in the conference on Small Arms and Lights Weapons Controlling SALW , and partciapted as a Sudanese expert In Nirobi Declartion of SALW
Workshops :
q) 1999, coordinator for Peace Culture workshop , in collaboration between Sudan Center for Theatre Research SCTR and University of Khartoum, Alshariga Hall.
r) 2003 Peace Education training workshop , arranged by University for Peace , United Nations in collaboration with Peace Advisory of republic palace

s) 2007 , Presenter and speaker in International Creativity Summit
,Hong Kong
t) 2012 participant ,Arab Theatre Cooperation,Oman ,Jordon
u) 2012 presented paper : Criticizing The theory of weaving the culture , Rebate, Morraco
v) 2015 ,Presented a paper in Abdallah Eltyeb Scientfic Forum number 385 , title of the paper : The Sdaness and the meaning ,
Study on Rohdah Alhj poetery , Khartoum University Shgriga Hall
w) 2014 , Partciapted in the scientific forum of Alshriga Theatrical Festival , Hmzat Wasl , title of the paper
x) 2015 , partciapted in the scientific forum of International Theatre festival , College of Music and Drama , paper title : The Scio -
Stratgic of Theatrical movement in Sudan
y) 2015 , partciapted in the scientific forum of Boga Theatrical Vistifal , title of the paper ( The Thetrical doubt )
z) 2008, Coordinator , of Reconciliations and Peace building , in Collaboration with Eacom, Muglad ,Abyie county
aa) 2004 , Coordinator and facilitator of the Preparatory Module workshop on the use of traditional Mechanism for Disarmament and Demilitarization , Sheed Conference hall , Sudan University
bb) 2014 , coordinator , Damzin forum for peace , in collaboration with African Union AU
cc) 2007 , Particpated in the International Creativity Summit, Hon Kong .
2003, In collaboration with Prof.Hassan Kaaya , Submitted the proposal of International Conference on Peace and Disarmament Education in School and Colleges of Education in Sudan and South Africa Referees (3 persons):
1- Professor Samule Kale Ewusi

2- Professor Hassan Omer Kaya 3- Professor David Steel - USA